What Conventional Medicine Still Won’t Tell You About Age-Related Memory Loss

Studies show that “senior moments” can begin as young as your 40s. Worse, conventional medicine doesn't seem to have any solutions for age-related cognitive decline.

Here’s how you can protect yourself with the newly-discovered brain-booster that’s 65x more effective… and starts working in just one hour*.

Dear friend,

Are you frustrated because your mind goes blank at the worst possible times?

Do you get embarrassed because you suddenly can’t remember names or dates... and need a friend to “help you out”?

Or have you ever felt confused after walking into a grocery store... and forgetting why you were there?

If you’re plagued by moments like these … and especially if you are worried about ongoing mental decline... and becoming a burden to your family...

...then this is the most important letter you’ll read. 


Because there is an epidemic that is running rampant through North America... One that conventional medicine does little to stop! 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, memory problems will become an epidemic as our baby boomers age. 

 In recent years, the number of people dying with Alzheimer’s has increased by a remarkable 47%. 

In other words, if you plan on living into your 80s (which most of us do)... 

There’s a 50/50 chance that you will suffer from significant cognitive decline. 

If you think you’re too young to suffer from memory loss – think again. 
Studies show that brain decay can start as young as your 40s. 

Research from the University of Virginia shows that the very initial stages can actually be detected as early as age 37.
So if you – or a loved one – has ever experienced…
  • Fuzzy memory
  • Losing things
  • Difficulty recalling words
  • ​Confusion with time or place
  • ​Difficulty concentrating
  • ​Changes in mood or personality
You could be experiencing early signs of brain decay and not even realize it!
Sadly, conventional medicine has fallen far short when it comes to options for keeping your memory healthy. 

Their typical response is to tell patients that mental decline is “normal”... that they should just “live with it.”
That’s the bad news. 

 But here’s some great news: 

You don’t have to sit back and accept cognitive decline without a fight! 

I’ll explain more in a moment...

But First, Let Me Introduce You to Dr. Allen Green

Dr. Green is a board-certified internist, a medical school professor... and a doctor who’s been in private practice for over 20 years.

His passion is helping people stay as healthy and active... in their “golden years” as they were in their 30s and 40s. 

While he was trained as a conventional medical doctor, Dr. Green often searched for alternative solutions to some of the most serious age-related conditions affecting so many people today... 

And memory health is a particular concern of his.

As a physician who has treated aging patients for over 30 years, Dr. Green has seen first hand the tragedy that common memory problems can cause:

The embarrassment

The frustration

the erosion of independence and quality of life.

Chances are, like many of Dr. Green’s own patients, you may already suffer from those annoying “senior moments”.

Suddenly, you can’t remember the name of that nice man you met yesterday. 

Or you totally forgot to pick up eggs at the grocery store... when that was the reason why you went shopping in the first place!

Or, maybe you notice that you have trouble concentrating … or feel restless and moody for no reason.

Some of this comes naturally with aging...  

But now, that won’t be YOUR story. 

Because it is now entirely possible to enjoy an ageless brain.
Recently, neuroscientists at a world-famous medical research university discovered a “fountain of youth” for ailing brains. It’s a secret that ignites brain neurons and protects delicate brain cells.
It’s a secret that gives you laser-focused concentration... stronger recall... and better short-term memory.

This Secret Uses an Unconventional Method to Ignite Aging Brains & Make Them Act YOUNGER and FASTER  

And not only does it deliver 6x more memory protection than any other brain-boosting nutrient … 

It also works in record time.  

Unlike other memory boosters that can take weeks or even months to work, this remarkable brain enhancer begins improving your memory in just 60 minutes. 

That’s right! 

You can begin to notice a real difference in your memory in only one hour. 

Sometimes even faster!
Imagine a future where you never forget an appointment... or get lost on the way home from the supermarket.

Imagine remembering names and dates without a single problem… 

… learning a new computer program with ease

… and feeling “sharp as a whip” as you go about your day.

Imagine also, being able to experience a quick mind … chase away the blues … and hold a conversation that charms friends and influences people!

That’s what life has to offer when you make this mind-blowing discovery part of your life. 

You Won't Believe the Difference It Makes!

But before I tell you all about it, let me put any fears to rest:
  • This is NOT a new kind of prescription drug or cocktail of pills.  
  • It doesn’t involve special exercises or devices of any kind
  • It’s actually something you can easily incorporate into your daily life in about 10 seconds a day
  • It’s the most effective way to help preserve your memory for years to come

There Is Just One "Catch"...

See, when it comes to protecting your memory with this natural secret, there’s no time to waste.

And the time to take action is critical if you want to keep your mind sharp and your memories intact as you age.
So whether you’re already struggling with fading memory... Or you simply want to keep your brain quick and sharp for good... 

It's crucial to start TODAY!


Okay, so Let Me Share the Secret With You Right Now... 

As someone who is familiar with natural medicine, you’ve probably heard of


It’s a potent compound found in TUMERIC – a bright-yellow spice found in curry dishes.

Curcumin has been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic medicine of India. 

Long before refrigeration, curry powders and spices were used to preserve food... Which over time would go rancid if exposed to oxygen. 

And now research shows that it also has some remarkable health benefits...

  • It's an antioxidant
  • It’s a natural anti-inflammatory
  • It promotes healthy cell division
  • ​4,200+ clinical studies report that this it can help relieve 100 various health conditions

...But Curcumin is especially good for your brain, as it defends against memory loss in three important ways:

  • It's an antioxidant
  • It’s a natural anti-inflammatory
  • It promotes healthy cell division
  • ​4,200+ clinical studies report that this it can help relieve 100 various health conditions

...But Curcumin is especially good for your brain, as it defends against memory loss in three important ways:

First, it helps “scrub away” the plaque inside the brain that contributes to cognitive decline. 

You know how cholesterol plaque can clog up your arteries, right? 

Well, the same thing can happen to your brain.  

This occurs when sticky protein pieces — called beta amyloid — start to clump together.  

When your brain cells aren’t healthy, they can’t fight off this dangerous plaque buildup... 

But curcumin can!
Second, it protects you from memory-robbing brain tangles.

Brain tangles trigger inflammation and block healthy cell-to-cell signaling. 

This affects your ability to remember names, words, and faces. Over time, this leads to severe memory loss. 

Curcumin supports brain health, keeping brain tangles from forming in the first place!
Second, it protects you from memory-robbing brain tangles.

Brain tangles trigger inflammation and block healthy cell-to-cell signaling. 

This affects your ability to remember names, words, and faces. Over time, this leads to severe memory loss. 

Curcumin supports brain health, keeping brain tangles from forming in the first place!
Third, it fights inflammation that can damage neurons... So it keeps your brain synapses firing on all cylinders!

It’s the synapses that keep your brain ready to learn and recall memory. 

Without healthy synapses it’s like having brain cells that all speak a different language. 

None of them can communicate with each other.

More synapses mean better cell communication! 

That’s the real key to a sharper memory and stronger brain power.

Can You See Why Curcumin Is Such an Amazing Nutrient When It Comes to Keeping Your Brain Healthy for Decades to Come?

In fact, people in India consume more Curcumin than any population in the world. 

They also have the lowest occurrence of age-related memory decline. 

That’s NOT a coincidence!
Now, if you plan on going to your local supermarket or vitamin store to buy a jar of curcumin, let me caution you:  

Ordinary curcumin will not deliver these results.

You see, as great as curcumin is…it is very difficult for your body to absorb. 

This is because regular curcumin gets “inactivated” and quickly excreted from the body, never reaching the target tissues and organs.  

...Like your brain!

Over 100 Years Ago, Scientists Discovered That, If Blue Dye Was Injected Into the Bloodstream of an Animal, the Whole Body Would Turn Blue 

...ExCEPT the brain and spinal cord

Why was that?

These scientists discovered that your body has something called the “blood-brain barrier”

The blood-brain barrier allows some nutrients and compounds to cross from the bloodstream to the brain.  

But it prevents many other materials -- especially large particles — from entering the brain.

This was nature’s way of protecting the brain from foreign substances and undesirable elements. 

That's the Problem With Ordinary Curcumin...

Its Molecules Are Too Big to Penetrate the Brain, Where It Can Do the Most Good 

They’re CONFISCATED by the brain’s border patrol! Only a tiny fraction of the nutrient actually gets through.

Which means to get enough curcumin to protect your brain and memory…

You’d have to consume about 40 bowls of curry every day.


 But here’s some great news…

Scientists Recently Developed a Patented New Technology Called Solid Lipid Curcumin Particle™ (SLCP™)

This ingenious technology makes the curcumin molecules much smaller. 

It’s the only technology shown in clinical studies to increase curcumin absorption in the body - which means the curcumin is now able to pass right through the blood-brain barrier and help heal and repair your ailing brain.

The name of this revolutionary new form of curcumin is...  


Not only is Longvida® an incredible 65 times more absorbable than ordinary curcumin 

… it REVS up brain health and shifts your mental powers into HIGH GEAR — FAST!

How fast? Well scientific studies show you can experience a noticeable improvement in:
  • Sustained attention
  • Motor speed
  • Reaction time
  • ​Accuracy
  • ​Mental energy
  • ​Alertness
  • ​Calmness

...in just ONE hour! 

Sounds Like the Stuff of Fantasy, Right? 
Well, Here’s the Proof:

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, one group of older adults were given 400 mg of the Longvida®.  

The other group received a placebo.

Scientists gave the volunteers not one, but two well- established mental performance tests before taking Longvida®... 

 Then administered the tests again one hour after taking the nutrient.


100% of the Longvida® group experienced a significant 16% improvement in cognitive function!

☆ Their recall improved
☆ Their mental energy increased
☆ Their attention span was longer
☆ Their decision-making was faster

But That’s Not All...

Studies also showed that the longer you take Longvida®, the more your brain health improves!

Scientists tested the study volunteers again after one month. 

They were shocked to discover that after 30 days the Longvida® group continued to improve their mental function and brain power.  

Plus, they also experienced better moods and an improved sense of well-being!
And here’s even better news. 

Longvida® is not only FAST ACTING.  


That’s right: Studies show Longvida® lasts 116% LONGER in your bloodstream than ordinary curcumin.

While regular curcumin has a blood half-life of 120 minutes… Longvida® curcumin has a half- life of a whopping 450 minutes!

 Regular Curcumin vs. Longvida®

If anything can make old brain cells young again, this is it!

Thanks to this groundbreaking SLCP™ technology, it’s now possible that this powerhouse nutrient with so many other benefits can nourish and protect the brain unlike anything we’ve ever seen!

I was so impressed by these results, I wanted to get Longvida® into the hands of my patients and readers.  
That’s when I got together with the top-notch research team at North American Nutra.

Together, we developed a natural memory booster that contains Longvida® curcumin…as well as some additional nutrients for even better brain support! 

It's Called CEREMIN

...and it contains high levels of ingredients featured in studies conducted by Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins... and other prestigious medical institutions.

This unique combination of nutrients gives Ceremin the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier

…and deliver full nutritional power to your brain, where they can do you the most good.

Ceremin is a giant leap forward for brain and memory health.  

You simply have to try it to believe it.

With Ceremin, There Are No Pills to Take!  

It’s an odorless power that you can add to your favorite beverage or food.  

1 scoop of Ceremin is 65X more bioavailable than 95% of the curcuminoid products available.

Sprinkle Ceremin on oatmeal and cereals...

Or add it to your morning coffee or tea... 

It’s the perfect “boost” to juices and smoothies that lasts throughout the day.

One scoop daily is enough to supercharge your memory power! 

Just mix and go. You’ll FEEL the difference right away!

Similar Brain Treatments of THIS STRENGTH Traditionally Cost $500 Per Month or More...

And Many Would Argue They Are Worth Every Penny... After All, Isn't Your Mental Wellbeing and Great Memory Worth Every Price?

...of course it is.

And that's exactly what allows Big Pharma to make BILLIONS per year off of your agony.

They know that we'll do ANYTHING to get rid of pain of losing brain functions, so they HOOK you:

They sell you a product designed to give you just a taste... A quick improvement... A spark of hope... 

So you get roped into their cycle of money:

The more you take, the more you need, so on and so forth.

As a result, you can EASILY end up spending north of $500 a month on different treatments, out of fear that your brain will stop working without them.

Well, Here's Some Good News... Ceremin WON'T Cost You $500 a Month!

Limited EXCLUSIVE Pricing

(This Page Only)

You Will Not Pay the Suggested Market Price of 

Or, Standard MSRP of

NOT EVEN the "Online Only" Price of

For a VERY Limited Time Only...

You Can Buy One Jar of Ceremin at a MASSIVE Discount

Was $120 Today ONLY $39.95

This Offer is Limited By Inventory

NOTICE: If the Next Page Doesn't Load, We Have Already Sold Out

There is NOTHING we'd like more than to be able to help every last one of you...

Unfortunately, that's just not possible.

Our quantities are extremely limited

And the number of people over 40 who are at risk of suffering cognitive decline has never been higher.

As a result, it's only a matter of time when this offer will be gone for good.

So if you are serious about protecting your brain and improving your memory, I urge you to ACT NOW... Before it's too late.

We Are Expected to Run Out of Ceremin in Approximately:


Now Let Me Tell You More About the Next Brain-Booster in Ceremin...

It’s a “miracle molecule” that’s absolutely critical for over 300 biochemical reactions in your body.
This nutrient is so important that your brain power comes to a screeching halt without it... 

Yet nearly 80% of older adults are deficient in it!
DO YOU KNOW What molecule I'M talking about?

- Magnesium!

Neuroscientists now claim that low levels of magnesium are the hidden cause of the epidemic of mental decline. 

On the other side, studies show that when you restore your brain’s healthy levels of magnesium - your brain lights up again!

That’s because magnesium helps improve your brain’s electrical activity - which helps you learn and remember things faster. 
Researchers at MIT found that raising magnesium levels can…
  • Boost the speed of brain transmissions by a remarkable 160%
  • Increase memory recall by 56%
  • Increase the number of brain synapses
But since only a fraction of regular magnesium is actually absorbed by your brain, Ceremin contains a proprietary form of low molecular weight magnesium called MgC that can easily cross the blood brain barrier.
That alone is remarkable, but there’s more...
MgC also helps increase the number of synapses in the Hippocampus and Frontal Cortex of the brain. 

Why is that important? 

Synapses are where neurons connect.  

Weak neuron connections cause cloudy thinking and slow processing.
Synapses form the hub of your motor skills, memory, emotion, and problem solving skills. 

And these are the sections of the brain that tend to misfire as you age. 
You can tell you’re experiencing synaptic decay when you:
  • Forget why you walked into a room
  • Recognize a familiar face but can’t recall the name
  • Zone out during a conversation
  • ​Lose your thought in mid-sentence
It's proven to help create more healthy synapses... 

And even protects existing synapses from decay!

Numerous studies show that folks taking MgC experience noticeable results in their short and long term memory and brain power.

So, I’ve just showed you how Ceremin can…

help you support a healthy, younger brain by increasing the number of synapses... that help brain cells communicate with each other…

 and boost memory recall, mental focus and enhance concentration FAST... starting in just ONE HOUR!

But that’s not all Ceremin can do. 

So, I just showed you what Ceremin can do…
Help you support a healthy, younger brain by increasing the number of synapses... that help brain cells communicate with each other…

And boost memory recall, mental focus and enhance concentration FAST... starting in just ONE HOUR!

But that’s not all Ceremin does... 

This Revolutionary Formula Helps You Fight Off Another Big Cause of Memory Decline:

Cerebral Atrophy 

...Also Known as Brain Shrinkage

Even if you seem perfectly healthy, you may be losing as much as 0.4% of your brain mass every year. 

Studies show that older adults with significant brain shrinkage are much more likely to have cognitive and movement disorders than similarly aged people with normal brain size. 

They are also at an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. 

 Research suggests that people with overall brain shrinkage have as much as a 70% increase in their mortality rate. 

Fortunately, even though brain shrinkage is progressive, a growing number of neuroscientists believe that brain shrinkage can be slowed... 

One of the best ways to do this is by feeding your brain with Vitamin B12.

Studies from the U.S. Framingham trial show that one in four adults are deficient in vitamin B12… And nearly half the population has lower than optimal levels of this important brain nutrient.
Researchers at Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center found that older people with vitamin B12 deficiency had the smallest brains and the lowest scores on tests measuring thinking, reasoning, and memory.

Another study showed the seniors with the lowest B12 had a six-fold greater rate of brain shrinkage... Compared with those who had the highest levels.
But Here's Some Shocking News...
You don’t necessarily have to be deficient in B12 to experience a decline in brain health. 

You just have to have levels that are on the low side of normal.

That’s why doctors now say that it’s essential to keep your brain fueled with B12. 

Low  Levels of B12 vs Healthy Levels of B12 

That’s Why Ceremin Contains Methylcobalamin:

A powerful form of bio-active vitamin B12 already active in the central nervous system

Once it crosses the blood-brain barrier, your brain can readily accept and utilize it fast. 

Talk about peace of mind!

Low  Levels of B12 vs Healthy Levels of B12 

Every 67 seconds, Someone Develops Age-Related Memory Decline 

If you have already started to experience “senior moments”, you need to take action right now to keep your mind sharp and your memories intact as you age.

Thanks to Ceremin, you can fight cognitive decline and keep your brain healthy!

I could go on and on about these advanced memory-boosting nutrients, but there are much better things to talk about. 

Namely, what you can expect from Ceremin.

Because you’ll be amazed once you experience these life-changing results for yourself.

As I mentioned, studies show that the Longvida® curcumin in Ceremin starts to work within an hour after taking it.

And with its generous daily serving amounts, Ceremin will raise your levels of curcumin, magnesium and vitamin B12 to healthy levels.

Plus, the nutrients in Ceremin specifically target all main issues that contribute to age-related memory loss:
  • Boosts levels of brain magnesium to increase synapse formation for healthy brain connections and communication
  • Fights synaptic decay which can slow your mental powers
  • Fights formation of brain plaque which can interfere with cell-to-cell communication at synapses
  • Supports brain health - lowering chances of tangling... which can destroy your brain cell transportation system
  • Fights inflammation that leads to premature brain aging
  • Prevents brain shrinkage that can impair cognitive function.

People Who Try Ceremin for the First Time Are Taken Aback by the Results... 

Bertie honestly thought she was “losing it”

At 58, her memory had turned to mush. She’d forget something as soon as she heard it. But after just ONE HOUR of taking Ceremin, Bertie noticed a significant improvement in her memory recall!  Now she can go shopping at the grocery store — without needing a list!

Maria was only 49, but her brain felt 30 years older.

She figured her low mental energy, fuzziness & irritability, and delayed reactions were just a normal part of aging... Well, from her first dose of Ceremin, Maria said “the lights went on” in her brain. Her mental energy experienced a significant boost in just 3 hours!

John (61) had the attention span of a toddler

He just couldn’t focus or concentrate for longer than 5 or 10 minutes! Going to the movies was a waste of time and money. He just couldn’t sit through the entire two hours. But life made a turn for the better once he discovered Ceremin. Now, he signed up for adult education classes...  And is remembering his class assignments!

Yes, Your Results MIGHT Vary  

...But I can GUARANTEE your satisfaction. 

YOU will be able to SEE for yourself a noticeable improvement in your mental sharpness and brain power as soon as you make Ceremin a daily part of your life.  

That's a promise.

You’ll see improvements in your mental focus and concentration. So you can sit through a movie or finish a crossword puzzle with ease.

You’ll remember names and appointments with ease … 

Enjoy great conversation with friends and family… 

And put an end to those frustrating (and embarrassing!) senior moments.

You’ll learn and remember new things a lot better than you used to. 

No need to ask anyone to show you that new task again and again… Because you “got it” the first time!

And you’ll feel more confident and relaxed, knowing you can make new memories and enjoy a happy, independent life for decades to come.

It’s Time to Take the Fear Out of a Fading Memory With Ceremin

Just one great-tasting scoop a day is all you need...

and a quick, sharp brain can be just around the corner.

Plus, with all the great ingredients in Ceremin, you know that the science is on your side 

… so you can experience the best results.

Don’t Wait. Memory Loss is Easier to Improve in its Earliest Stages.

Declining brain health is a very powerful enemy. 

So the sooner you address memory loss, forgetfulness, foggy thinking, and fading brain power, the better. 

Select Your Package and Give Your Brain the support It Deserves:


If you’re over 40...

If you want to feel sharper and more focused...

And especially if you or a loved one suffer from occasional memory lapses… 

Then the number one piece of advice I can give you is to nourish your brain with Ceremin. 

Are you ready to enjoy a “young again” brain right now?
I’m 100% confident that Ceremin will change your life for the better 

… and exceed your expectations when it comes to rejuvenating your brain and memory.

In fact, I guarantee it will start to work on the first day… whether for poor memory, concentration and focus problems, slow response or moodiness.

But I want you to be confident too. 

And that’s why I insist you take zero risk when you try Ceremin for yourself:

I'm going to let you TRY Ceremin for THREE FULL MONTHS on me. 

 At the end of 3 months, if you don’t agree that your mind isn’t sharper
...If your focus and concentration isn’t any better… 

If you don’t agree that you are remembering more and forgetting less

 … or if you're not fully delighted with Ceremin for any reason

... Simply return the unused portion - and get a full credit!

No questions asked!

Just PLEASE, Keep One Thing in Mind...

Quantities Are Limited! The Last Remaining Jars Are Almost Sold Out!

We Are Expected to Run Out of Ceremin in Approximately:


Get Yours Before It's Too Late!

Do You Need Help Ordering?

Call Toll Free: 1-800-967-0468

We have LIVE phone reps standing 24/7

Studies and Research:
North American Nutra
9 Willey Road Saco
ME 04072
  • 1-800-822-2807
  • support@northamericannutra.com
*According to the study of Longvida® Optimized Curcumin performed at the  Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Individual results may vary. To protect the privacy of the individuals, we reserve the right to change names or photographs.
Endorsements may be remunerated.
FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. Results seen in testimonials are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your physician before beginning any program.
If there is a change in your medical condition, please notify your physician immediately.
North American Nutraceuticals LLC 
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