Natural News reports that sulfur-containing nutrients “Help provide the body with material to manufacture new, healthy cells on lung walls.”
In addition, medical expert Kenneth Kee states that sulfur helps, “Improve lung function by allowing the body to more effectively take up oxygen.”
People with breathing concerns have inflamed bronchial airways.
People with asthma have airways that are inflamed and swell, producing lots of thick mucus.
This inflammation can be triggered by allergens like dust mites, mold, pollen, air pollution, viruses, and even exercise.
Selenex GSH brings you a powerful sulfur-containing enzyme with a clinically tested record of supporting good health.
The prestigious University of Michigan states that this sulfur-based enzyme “Breaks down mucus and supplies protection against free radicals that threaten lung tissue.”
In fact, in a test of 120 volunteers with serious breathing problems in a 1-year, double-blind study…
Patients taking a powerful sulfur-based enzyme report up to a 75% improvement in lung function, says The American College of Chest Physicians!