...And How Can This Scientifically Studied Medical Miracle Help
Combat Some of Today’s Most Deadly Health Threats?
God’s Vitamin is stunning researchers and skeptics alike. It’s been called a “miracle in a capsule.”
60 MINUTES reported on this Miraculous Superfood to millions of viewers…
That people in a tiny Northern European nation who take this nutrient routinely live into their 80s and 90s in vibrant, vigorous health… Suffering from a fraction of the illnesses that come with aging… and seeing 59% fewer hospital stays!
In fact, National Geographic Calls it “One of the Most Impressive Health Wonders in the World.”

And now God’s Vitamin is making its way from Iceland to headlines across America!

Your body is a magnificent
self-healing creation
…If you give it God’s Vitamin
For decades doctors thought their high intake of fish oil was their secret, but modern medical research has proven this theory wrong! 
Surprisingly, as Icelanders moved to Canada and continued eating a lot of fish, they didn’t continue enjoying the same low rates of health concerns!
What was going on? A stunning finding revealed that it was the Icelandic soil that played the pivotal role in their excellent health.
How is this possible?
Scientists found the real key to Icelanders’ remarkable health and youth is the extremely rich in sulfur and selenium Icelandic soil.
The fine ash from eruptions of Icelandic volcanoes is loaded with sulfur and selenium… creating the nutrient-rich soil, blanketing the entire nation. It’s the magical minerals in this soil that fortify and enrich their food supply, strengthening its God-given ability to enhance health better than any manmade remedy.
This is exactly why TIME MAGAZINE says “Iceland is now the healthiest country in the world.
AND now you have a way to tap into those same magical minerals… without moving to Iceland!
Selenex GSH supports your health in an amazing clinically tested way. In fact, you could stop worrying about and fearing many of today’s worst health conditions.

Selenex GSH supports your health in an amazing clinically tested way. In fact, you could stop worrying about and fearing many of today’s worst health conditions.

Consider: Millions of viewers of 60 Minutes were stunned by the success of these minerals to help the people of Iceland, adding 5 to 15 quality years to their lifespans.
"This mineral helps fight fatigue, stress, joint discomfort, and wrinkles"
But remember, these magical minerals are only found where there is volcanic activity.
Iceland has the world’s longest chain of volcanoes that cross the entire nation. Seeing this amazing country is to understand why its people are so remarkably healthy.

And the people of Iceland are living proof of the success of sulfur and selenium-containing nutrients. They can help you look, feel and act vibrantly healthy into your 80s and 90s. Remarkably, 82% of Icelandic adults rate their health as “very good!”
So why is sulfur nature’s perfect anti-aging, health rejuvenating superfood?
New research shows that the role of sulfur is much more profound than previously imagined. Without a constant supply, we are, in effect, dying each day through cellular degeneration.

But by adding sulfur back into the diet, we encourage healthy cellular regeneration to occur, giving you super-human resistance to most any health condition… ACTUALLY CHALLENGING your aging process.
Sulfur is essential for creating healthy new cells
that give you robust health.
It increases the permeability of cells which allows for optimal oxygen transport into cells, and, in turn, to carry sickness causing wastes out of your cells.

Without enough sulfur, cells are quickly overcome by free radicals and toxins putting your organs at enormous risk for serious health problems.

And, unfortunately, over 78% of Americans are deficient in both sulfur and selenium for reasons I’ll explain in a moment.

CONSIDER THIS... Every day you use up your body’s sulfur supply, so it must be continuously replaced.
The Sulfur Study by Patrick McGean confirms that not only does it make cell walls more permeable, it also supplies oxygen for building healthy new cells which your body does on a daily basis.

If you lack sulfur, your cells accumulate toxins and could cause illnesses… and the same is true for selenium.
But sulfur and selenium have been almost entirely stripped out of our diets!
In addition, scientists say selenium also fights health concerns is by elevating glutathione (gloota-thigh-own).
This important mineral supports glutathione’s vital efforts to keep your immune system strong.
Look at the incredible record of what happens when you include sulfur and selenium in your diet the way Iceland does.
Selenex GSH unleashes among the strongest defense against health concerns that your body possesses.
In fact, I’m so sure it can help you, it works for you or it’s FREE.

It makes sense that removing toxins from cells may help the elderly beat these health concerns and live longer.

Now, anyone can make a claim… but we asked for solid scientific support before sharing a single word of this with you….

And the news of these health improvements from Iceland are backed up by: reliable studies, leading medical universities, and health professionals with decades of experience. 
This is your real opportunity to improve your health!
My conclusion is that these are credible findings… and not just empty claims that are so common today.
So why isn’t just taking Fish Oil enough anymore?
Fish oil is wildly popular because it claims to create healthy cells that rejuvenate your health.

However… The fact is, that it only creates small amounts of oxygen in your cells. Nothing matches the superfood secret of Iceland.
The Great News Is…
When you take Selenex GSH, every one of your cells is bathed in oxygen-boosting glutathione, the long-life secret from Iceland.

The Cellular Matrix Study says oxygen cleanses your cells of illness-causing waste by “…allowing for optimal oxygen delivery.”

Oxygen floods in, pushing waste out for amazing cellular rejuvenation! Fish oil doesn’t do this!
Remember Selenex GSH works—or it’s free—click here to get your bottle!
High glutathione levels predict vibrant health.
Without enough glutathione, organs can deteriorate. And, as I mentioned, 86% of Americans are deficient!
But you don’t have to be one of the 86%...
You can now live a long, healthy, active life full of energy with glutathione shielding you against the age-related health concerns you fear the most.
Glutathione is 5,000 times stronger than any other antioxidant in your body.
This molecule inside your cells is the key to lifelong health and healing power and it exceeds any manmade remedy on earth!

It’s your most important cellular defense for fighting and preventing health concerns. 

Every single one of the 37.2 trillion cells in your body produces glutathione. But if the level drops slightly, the cell dies, and as you age, the level naturally drops!

Raising your cells’ glutathione level dramatically increases your powerful resistance against the illnesses we fear today.

Glutathione makes sure that all the components of your immune system are strong and operating efficiently. Its power is proven by over 102,000 medical studies—but so few people have heard of it!

With Selenex GSH you can easily oxygenate your cells and help deflect health concerns.
Sulfur + selenium are 2 of the 3 known “oxygen-carrying” minerals. They enable the transport of oxygen across cell membranes that are critical for healthy cellular regeneration in your body.

If unhealthy cells divide and spread, that’s illness and your health is seriously threatened. Rejuvenate your cells by raising your glutathione level…

Without the cleansing and chelation power of glutathione, your body accumulates toxins, acid residues, chemicals, fungi, bacteria, and carcinogens.

With glutathione, you rebuild your entire body with new cells and keep your cells healthy!
How does Selenex GSH do it? With a proprietary blend of nutrients you can’t find anywhere else…

First, with SelenoExcell®: the world’s most potent and bioavailable form of selenium available.

Published in the Journal of The American Medical Association, SelenoExcell® underwent a historic 10-year, double-blind study. Its record of helping to fight serious illness was remarkable… It speeds up glutathione’s ability to stop free radicals and dramatically increase your immune system.  

And selenium supports good health by elevating glutathione peroxidase—the only known metabolically active form of selenium in your body. Plus, this natural food form of selenium is the only one that supports prostate and colon health!

With Selenex GSH you get 400 mcg of SelenoExcell® high selenium yeast.

Second, with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC): it helps create glutathione by supplying the key sulfur molecule.

NAC helps supply glutathione with cysteine, a key amino acid that determines how much and how fast your body can make glutathione.

Glutathione removes heavy metals like mercury and lead, improving your cognitive level; kicks out toxins in your brain; improves the look of your skin, eyes, and hair.

It even helps reduce the appearance of blemishes, age spots, and even wrinkles.

With Selenex GSH you get the full 600 mg research dose of NAC, plus unrivaled glutathione antioxidants

And third, with ROC® (Red Orange Complex): a major booster of glutathione and antioxidants.

All three types of Mediterranean oranges have high levels of free radical-fighting anthocyanins—nutrients grown in sulfur and selenium-rich volcanic soil…

The Moro, Tarocco, and Sanguinello are all found exclusively on the slopes surrounding the Mount Etna volcano in Sicily, Italy.

And Selenex GSH delivers 100 mg ROC®, the amount found in a clinical study to raise glutathione by 68%, boost antioxidants 133%, and decrease DNA damage 20%!

Many health problems linked to low glutathione… So why wouldn’t you want to take a stunning new formula that raises your level up to 68%?
Remember, Selenex GSH provides these three clinically studied ingredients required for glutathione optimization.

Remember, Iceland has the longest lifespans in the world… And they consume the clinically tested superfood that is rarely found in the American diet.

In Iceland, sulfur-containing nutrients are routinely adding up to 5 to 15 additional years of vibrant, energetic life by helping rejuvenate your entire body.

Sadly, this extraordinary super food is almost completely absent in America.

These nutrients’ recuperative powers are not limited to only one illness or part of the body. It recognizes that what affects one part of your system will affect your entire body.

That’s why doctors use the terms “anti-aging” and “longevity” to describe ideal health.
Consider its power: Enriching lives by defending against health concerns… Natural Health 365 states, “Sulfur deficiencies create serious health consequences.”

Regain superb health and feel younger by repairing damaged cells… Body-Equilibrium reveals a key de-aging secret, “If you suffer from poor health, you require extra sulfur to support the healing and repair of damaged cells in your body.”

Selenex GSH brings you the arsenal from Iceland in terms of sulfur-containing nutrients that can repair and renew your ENTIRE BODY by dramatically increasing your glutathione level.
With Selenex GSH, you’ll realize health improvements throughout your body… consider just a few examples…
BETTER SKIN: Natural News reports that sulfur-containing nutrients “aid in healthy skin production and the reduction of wrinkles.”
Insufficient production of collagen contributes to premature aging. Research shows that dietary sulfur has a tremendous positive effect on the formation of collagen.
A lack of it rapidly ages your skin. Sulfur is necessary for creating and maintaining collagen which gives your skin its firm structure, strength, and elasticity.
Collagen helps you LOOK younger and F-E-E-L younger…
Collagen also helps build your body’s structural support, including your cartilage, tendons and ligaments.

Every day your body attempts to create collagen—but it needs the right nutrients to do it. Selenex GSH brings you these nutrients!

It delivers the sulfur your body requires. It also brings you anthocyanins, nutrients that play a key role in keeping your glutathione level high.

What’s more, sulfur protects your skin’s DNA from radiation damage from the sun; the type that can lead to skin concerns.

Since Selenex GSH defends your skin’s cells, it helps strengthen it against premature aging, dryness and itchiness, fixing scars, and extracting toxins.
BETTER JOINTS: Better Nutrition says “Sulfur-containing nutrients have tremendous health benefits, including maintaining joints
Sulfur-containing nutrients help relieve joint pain in 2 remarkable ways:
Selenex GSH brings you a triple defense against joint pain. Glutathione shields your joint cells from pain caused by inflammation and free radicals.
A study on athletes who consumed ROC® saw amazing results: their glutathione rose 68%, antioxidants went up 133%, and DNA damage decreased 20%.

A study at The University of North Carolina states, “Low selenium levels are linked to the higher risk of osteoarthritis.”

And Environmental Nutrition states, “Selenium is a pain-fighting antioxidant that protects joints.”

The SelenoExcell® in Selenex GSH can help to relieve joint pain symptoms by stopping free radicals and damage to healthy tissues.
Family Health News reports “Sulfur is a vital, overlooked, major nutrient, it is present in large amounts in hair.”
Millions of people can now have soft shiny hair! Hair contains a high amount of sulfur because the sulfur amino acid, cysteine, is a key component of keratin proteins—which are the strong strands that form your hair, giving it shape and strength.
When there’s a shortage of sulfur for keratin, your hair turns stiff, brittle, thin, and falls out.
Hair grows from the follicle, or root, underneath the skin, and is “fed” by blood vessels at the base of your follicles.
Selenex GSH gives it the nourishment it needs to…
Most people think reversing hair loss is hopeless… Science says that this is not true! Try Selenex GSH today!
End fatigue with the mitochondrial miracle!  Protect your cell’s ability to make ATP—  your body’s source of energy.
When you walk around Iceland’s capital city, Reykjavik, you encounter people—some in their 70s and 80s—enjoying mountain climbing, dancing, and many other activities!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg for the mind-boggling vitality and energy of natural miracle!

Now you can experience a revitalized body and perform like you were 20 to 30 years younger. But in order to appreciate how this happens, you must first understand…
If your cells can’t produce energy,
you feel exhausted.
Deep inside cells are tiny energy factories called “mitochondria” which create a chemical energy called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

ATP then fuels every cell in your body with life-giving energy—it’s like gas for your car.

Selenex GSH powerful antioxidants protect your cells’ power-producing mitochondria from free radicals and toxins…

This protection is vital to allowing mitochondria to do their job and produce the energy you need to keep a “full tank of gas”!

And Selenex GSH gives you glutathione—5,000 times more powerful than any other antioxidant in your body… protecting your cells and restoring lasting energy.
How has it worked on Irene’s eyes?
The sulfur in Selenex GSH is like sticky flypaper... it floats up to free radicals in your eyes and attaches itself so they can’t escape, removing them from your body.
Anything that’s not supposed to be in your eyes is quickly removed before it can do any damage. But that only happens if there’s sufficient glutathione.

And as I said earlier, 86% of Americans are deficient in glutathione!

In fact, Better Nutrition magazine noted, “Individuals with glutathione deficiency are particularly at risk for age-related macular degeneration.
And your eyes’ optic nerves, focusing lenses, and fluids all contain glutathione. Now you can protect your precious eyes with Selenex GSH.
Selenex GSH protects by boosting your glutathione which stops free radicals. Unfortunately, your level of glutathione goes down dramatically as you age. 
Without the cleaning work of glutathione, your cells begin to decay, and debris and waste build up in your eyes, along with virtually everywhere else in your body.
Raise your glutathione and protect your eyes and your entire health by taking Selenex GSH every day! 
What about that 80% decrease in heart conditions?...
While heart disease is America’s #1 killer—  in Iceland it’s 80% lower!
This dramatically low rate of serious heart conditions in Iceland is among the best on the entire planet.

And it’s due to the clinically tested option that is saving lives right now…

The high levels of free radical-fighting nutrients grown in Iceland’s sulfur and selenium-rich volcanic soil.

If you want clean, healthy arteries and a strong, reliable heart, you need Selenex GSH…
Selenex GSH delivers these vital nutrients; which are almost entirely absent from the American diet.
Reduce Lp(a), a dangerous heart-threatening lipoprotein, by 70%
Healthy-Net reports that the Lp(a) is a small, dense cholesterol particle that greatly increases the stickiness of your blood and helps clots form, multiplying your chance of a heart attack or disabling stroke.

This lipoprotein is a much better indicator of serious heart problems to come than the popular blood cholesterol measurement.

The sulfur-containing nutrient in Selenex GSH, N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC), breaks up and reduces this threatening lipoprotein by a phenomenal 70%.
Bad cholesterol—called LDL—can reduce the blood flow to your heart.
A buildup of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) can kill you if you are not aware of it.

Studies provide strong evidence that free radicals oxidize LDL—the “bad” cholesterol—forming dangerous plaque that sticks to the sides of your blood vessels.

Your arteries then harden, grow thicker and narrow.
Your blood flow slows down dramatically, and your heart gets less oxygen and nutrients.

At worst, a piece of this plaque can break off and reduce your blood flow even more.

Your heart can then go into spasms, potentially causing a life-ending condition.

Worst of all, you could feel perfectly fine while this disaster silently builds up in your body.

DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! Selenex GSH provides the glutathione your body needs to fight free radical oxidation!

The New England Journal of Medicine says that those with low glutathione levels are 30% more likely to have a heart attack.
Imagine having clean arteries, a rich supply of freely flowing blood, and a new outlook on life because you feel 15 years younger…

Selenex GSH’s formula comes from breakthroughs found in the healthiest country in the world… And brings you the same nutrients that could save your life!

Doctors say deeper, easier breathing boosts the healing oxygen in your body.

Oxygen can restore your energy, endurance and the health of your organs like you were 20 years younger!

The Mayo Clinic notes: “Your body’s tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function.”

If you have the slightest concern about the health of your lungs, your general bronchial condition, or endless nasal congestion…

Selenex GSH can bring you extraordinary relief because its sulfur-enriched nutrients are proven to really work.

Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath can limit your oxygen intake, causing health problems.

But by adding nutrients into our diets, Selenex GSH allows healthy cellular rejuvenation to occur, giving you better breathing.
Breathe more clearly with these
nutrients that worked wonders in Iceland.
Natural News reports that sulfur-containing nutrients “Help provide the body with material to manufacture new, healthy cells on lung walls.”

In addition, medical expert Kenneth Kee states that sulfur helps, “Improve lung function by allowing the body to more effectively take up oxygen.”

People with breathing concerns have inflamed bronchial airways.

People with asthma have airways that are inflamed and swell, producing lots of thick mucus.

Breathe more clearly
with these nutrients that worked wonders in Iceland.
Natural News reports that sulfur-containing nutrients “Help provide the body with material to manufacture new, healthy cells on lung walls.”

In addition, medical expert Kenneth Kee states that sulfur helps, “Improve lung function by allowing the body to more effectively take up oxygen.”

People with breathing concerns have inflamed bronchial airways.

People with asthma have airways that are inflamed and swell, producing lots of thick mucus.
This inflammation can be triggered by allergens like dust mites, mold, pollen, air pollution, viruses, and even exercise.

Selenex GSH brings you a powerful sulfur-containing enzyme with a clinically tested record of supporting good health.

The prestigious University of Michigan states that this sulfur-based enzyme “Breaks down mucus and supplies protection against free radicals that threaten lung tissue.”

In fact, in a test of 120 volunteers with serious breathing problems in a 1-year, double-blind study…
Patients taking a powerful sulfur-based enzyme report up to a 75% improvement in lung function, says The American College of Chest Physicians!
Plus, nature had the healing wisdom to put glutathione in your lungs!
Expert Dr. Troy Lund reveals that “Glutathione is highly concentrated in the epithelial lining of your lungs. This helps protect you against inhaled free radicals.”

Your epithelial is a thin lining found in your respiratory tract which moistens and protects your airways—keeping out pathogens, infections, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign particles.

However, when your glutathione level is low, your epithelial lining gets inflamed and weakened by free radicals—and breathing problems then soar.

SELENEX GSH can improve breathing by aiding in the production of new and healthy lung cells.
Healthy breathing provides oxygen to your heart which supplies it to every cell, tissue and organ in your body.
I’ve seen the results myself…

In clinical studies of the ingredients in this formula, it doubles your cell’s repair mechanisms, giving your body more strength and power.

I’ve seen remarkable transformations in my practice. And best of all Selenex GSH is approved for sale without a prescription.
The majority of remedies have small doses of their key active ingredients. That’s why they rarely fix your problems. Selenex GSH brings you a full clinical dose so you get real results!
It’s not sold in any store—  so be sure to get yours now!
You have my Unconditional 90-Day Guarantee that Selenex GSH will satisfy you—Or It’s FREE!
You have to be 100% satisfied with Selenex GSH—so try it out for 90 days.
YOU HAVE TO FEEL THE DIFFERENCE or return it for a full refund, less S&H.
Please, don’t hesitate a moment… because our mission isn’t complete until Selenex GSH works for YOU.

Restore youthful health & vitality with Selenex GSH!

Don’t Delay Another Moment. Demand for Selenex GSH Is Overwhelming.
Plus, you can rest assured that Selenex GSH is manufactured in the USA and meets my stringent guidelines for quality, purity, and potency.

Simply click here to get God’s Vitamin and give your body the nutrients it needs to live a long and healthy life…
With this superfood that’s working near-miracles… 80% fewer heart conditions, 33% less senility, and 59% fewer hospital stays.

Get the full power of Selenex GSH to help shield your body from health concerns and stimulate your natural defense with the clinically-tested power of glutathione!
Just listen to some of the stories of rejuvenation being reported from across America…

“I noticed an increase in energy level right away, so I am reordering! Thanks!”* —Jack S., GA

Great product. I have a lot more energy, and have lost 7 pounds!”
 —Shirley M. P

Annual physical in May 2016—all vitals had improved including eye-sight which was better than 2015!”* —Jerald M., CA

“I have taken it for the last four months. It has made me feel better in my legs, I have more energy now and I do think this product really works. I recommend it for anybody.”*—Louis D., MN

After taking this supplement for a few weeks, I am feeling much better. It gives me more energy and strength.” —Charlie E. H

My heaviness of my chest was gone also. I’m 85 years old but I can still walk faster going up the hill.”* —Maria B., 85 years old

I’ve only been taking it for one week and I already feel like I have more energy and have been able to exercise longer and better than before.” —Paul T

I can feel the difference. My vision has gotten better… I intend to keep taking it…thank you! You came at my most needed moment.” —Irene Y

Remember, your backed
by my 90-day Guarantee

Selenex GSH Will Satisfy You—Or It’s FREE!
God’s healing power is infinitely greater than any person or prescription. His profound wisdom is at work within us, say the people of Iceland…

They live in incredible health using God’s Vitamin…

And this superfood is giving them almost superhuman resistance to health concerns, even reversing the aging process.

Join me in a journey of historic rejuvenation—to regain your health no matter your age or present health.

Best of health to you,

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Individual results may vary. To protect the privacy of the individuals, we reserve the right to change names or photographs.
Endorsements may be remunerated.
FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. Results seen in testimonials are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your physician before beginning any program.
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